
Is underfloor insulation cost effective?

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Why Underfloor Insulation Is a Win-Win for Your Wallet and Your Home

If you’re eyeing ways to cut down on your heating and cooling costs without breaking the bank, underfloor insulation might just be the perfect fix. It’s like giving your home thick, snug, woollen socks that pays for itself, and then some, by slashing those energy bills right away.

Save Now, Save Later

Underfloor insulation works by keeping your home snug in winter and cool during summer, so your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work overtime. This means you start saving money the minute the insulation is in place. And if you’re worried about upfront costs, think about this: those savings kick in immediately and keep adding up, helping your budget breathe a little easier.

Built to Last

While typical underfloor insulation lasts about 20 years, choosing a top-notch polyester material stapled securely to the joists can extend this lifespan to an impressive 50 years. Imagine not having to worry about replacing it for half a century! This longevity not only minimizes hassle but also multiplies the savings over the years, making the initial investment seem pretty small in retrospect.

More Than Just Temperature Control

Creating a home that is more temperate, brings major health benefits.  Sustainability Victoria commissioned a study that demonstrated the health benefits of energy efficiency and thermal comfort.   “Importantly, the upgrade was associated with benefits in health, with reduced breathlessness and improved quality of life, particularly its mental health and social care aspects. Health benefits of the upgrade were reflected in cost savings, with $887 per person saved in the healthcare system over the winter period. Cost-benefit analysis indicated that the upgrade would be cost saving within 3 years – and would yield a net saving of $4,783 over 10 years – due to savings in both energy and health. Savings were heavily weighted towards healthcare: for every $1 saved in energy, more than $10 is saved in health.”  In this study, the retrofit includes other activities as well, so this would overstate the benefits of just underfloor insulation.  But really, once you are on the retrofit journey, why would you stop at just one thing?  Check this page if you are looking for the most cost-effective sequence to retrofit your home. 

Under floor insulation is an investment in both comfort, health and energy savings.

What's the Return on Investment on Underfloor Insulation?

The exact return on investment (ROI) for underfloor insulation can range from 5% to 25%, influenced by local climate, the type of insulation you choose, and the condition of your home. But even on the lower end, it’s a smart move. Reduced utility bills, a boost in your property value, and longer-lasting reverse cycle air conditioning systems all contribute to the ROI, proving that underfloor insulation is a smart financial strategy for any homeowner.

If you’re looking for a smart way to enhance your home’s efficiency and comfort, underfloor insulation is a choice that keeps on giving. It’s an upfront investment that pays off with many benefits, making it an excellent move for anyone keen on making their home better and their living costs lower. 

Let’s snug up that underfloor and enjoy a cosier, more cost-effective home!

People Also Ask:

Q: Does Underfloor insulation make much difference?

A:  Absolutely, underfloor insulation can make a significant difference in both the comfort and energy efficiency of your home. By installing insulation beneath your floors, you effectively reduce the amount of heat that escapes during the winter and prevent excess heat from entering during the summer. 

This thermal barrier, or building envelope, helps maintain more consistent indoor temperatures, reducing the need to continuously heat or cool your home. As a result, homeowners often see a noticeable decrease in their energy bills. Additionally, underfloor insulation can help dampen noise, making floors quieter when walked on.  Installing underfloor insulation is a practical upgrade that enhances home comfort and can lead to long-term savings.

Q: Does underfloor insulation help in summer 

A: Yes, underfloor insulation can be particularly effective during the summer months. It acts as a barrier that limits the influx of heat through your floors, especially in homes with elevated floors, or unshaded perimeter walls.  Under floor insulation helps keep indoor spaces cooler, reducing the reliance on air conditioning and leading to lower energy consumption and costs. By maintaining a more stable and cooler indoor temperature, underfloor insulation ensures your home stays comfortable even as outdoor temperatures climb.